Monday, November 3, 2008

Our Halloween

My mom is always very busy around Halloween. She takes on the job of making the Halloween costumes for her grandkids and has made such creations as spiderman, superman, batman, and all manner of fancy Barbie princess and fairy dresses. I think she is a glutton for punishment, but she seems to enjoy it even though she usually has to pull an all-nighter or two to get the costumes finished. This year she made an Olympic ice skater outfit for my niece, Jade, and a vampire outfit for my nephew, Laine. I think they turned out pretty cute:

Ayden loves all things piratical lately, so I thought it would be fitting for him to dress up as a pirate this year. His costume was store bought, but super-cute nonetheless:

I thought it would be cute if I was The Man in the Yellow Hat and Anna was Curious George. Anna's costume was store bought also, but my mom made mine. She got a white shirt and pants that she dyed yellow (this had to be done twice because the first outfit was too small). She even went to the trouble of shaping and gluing the felt for my purdy yellow hat (I told you - glutton for punishment).

We showed off our spiffy costumes at a harvest party held at the McCall middle school. There were games and a bouncy house and way too many people crammed into a small gymnasium. Ayden had fun playing the games and getting candy, and Anna and I won a cake at the cake walk. The Man in the Yellow Hat and Curious George were a hit! We got lots and lots of compliments and tons of stares and smiles. It was the funnest Halloween I have had in a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all had fun! I LOVE your and Anna's costumes!!! So cute!!
