Tuesday, April 14, 2009

All about The Goose

It's been a while since I've given an update on Anna, and since she learns something new practically every day, I have a lot to tell! The Goose is quite the conversationalist and knows a bunch of words. She says mama, dada, Bella, Otis, dog, ball, baby, ta-da, more, night-night, yummy, hi, and bye-bye. I am really looking forward to her saying Ayden, but so far, unless I've missed it, she hasn't said his name yet.

Not only does she use a lot of real words, but she knows most of the signs that I've taught her. She can say all done, more, eat/hungry, please, thank you, water, and her most recent one (she just learned it yesterday) is help. Now, I'm not saying Anna uses all of these completely regularly, because she is a stubborn child, but she has said and will say all of them when her Highness deems it necessary.

Anna is constantly carrying around a baby doll or two. and has just recently figured out how fun it is to carry a purse around, as well! Let me tell you, she is all girl, through and through! She will even put her baby in the stroller and push it around.

She walks really well now and is almost starting to run. She loves to be chased and hightails it as fast as she can go until either you grab her, or she hits something and falls down. She has also recently realized that she can turn in a circle and get really dizzy. It's pretty darn cute to watch!

While I was writing this blog entry, Eric called me into the playroom and told me to bring my camera. Apparently, Anna had been trying to try on Ayden's "superhero" glasses, so Eric put them on her. Priceless!

Super Woman!
Notice she has her purse and her phone :o)

And off they go!

Back on they go!
(well, she tried anyway)


  1. I loved reading this! It's amazing how fast our babies are growing up. I really love all the new pictures, too. You are getting really good with your camera!! Anna's hair is getting long, too. What a cutie! :)

  2. Too cute!!! It's so much fun to see Anna get big. I can't wait for Levi and Anna to really play together and probably even do a little battle. It will be interesting to watch their two strong wills collide! ;-)
