Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My goat ropers

Last Friday, Colby and Jen needed help milking their goats while they took one of their baby goats to get dehorned. Eric volunteered for the job, much to my amazement. They have three goats that needed milked. The first one was a learning experience, but Eric got the hang of it pretty quickly. By the second and third goat, he was a regular pro!

The happy goat milker

This is Cinnamon (or Cimonim as Ayden calls her). Isn't she cute!

Anna with Cocoa

Ayden with Isabella

See, two hands. What a pro!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Who knew Eric was such a country boy at heart?!?! Maybe you should just get a goat. Then he wouldn't have to mow the back yard!!!!! ;-)
