Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The reason for the season

It's really important to Eric and me that our kids grow up knowing and loving God and understanding who Jesus is and what he has done for us. We want them to know that Christmas means more than just pretty lights, Christmas trees, Santa, and getting presents.

Ayden and I have watched a couple of DVDs this year about the birth of Jesus, but I didn't feel that he was really understanding that it was more than just another cartoon. A couple of weeks ago, we were over at Eric's sister's house for dinner and she had a nativity set that is especially for kids. I fell in love with it and saw an opportunity to give Ayden and Anna a hands-on lesson about the birth of Christ. I ordered one for us from http://www.christianbook.com/ and it was delivered yesterday. We had lots of fun playing with it last night. Ayden already knows the names of all the pieces, and Anna has chewed on all of them, even baby Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. this is a great idea! (also...i really like your new winter background!)
