Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some Sunday night family fun

Most Sundays all of Eric's family, including us, get together and have dinner. Tonight we all went over to his sister and her husband's house. One part of their house is an old shop that was converted into living space so it has cement floors. They have these office type chairs, the kind with rollers. Well after dinner a few of us were sitting in these chairs, on the cement floor, and discovered that the chairs rolled amazingly well across the floor. One thing led to another and before you know it, we all had a chair and were zinging around the room like crazy people! We had an absolute blast! Everyone got in on the action and we spent a good hour or better rolling to our hearts content.

I am so thankful that Eric happened to fix my camera today, because I got some priceless footage. This is the kind of stuff that will be looked back on in a few years and really enjoy. I had the funnest evening that I have had in a long time.

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! I just watched this with Tyler and he wants to see it again. I think he wants to zoom around with Ayden. :)
