Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assignment #2

So have I kept you in enough suspense about the photos I took for my assignment this week? Alright, I'll show you. We had to take a picture of a common household item. There are sooo many possibilities and I had such fun shooting this assignment.

The first idea I had was to shoot one of my houseplants. I took lots of pictures of it from different angles, in different locations, and in different light. These are two of my favorite and the two that I took to my class. I especially love the second one.

I looked online for ideas and saw a photo of a clock and realized I had the perfect clock to take a picture of. I'm not thrilled with how dark these turned out, but I liked them enough to take them to class anyway. I was tempted to fiddle with the brightness of the pics on my computer, but figured that was cheating so I didn't do it.

Dave, my teacher, really really liked the photos of the plant, but said that the ones of the clock "didn't do anything for him". I thought they were pretty cool, especially the second one. Like Dave said himself at the very first class, everyone likes different photos and photo styles, so take his opinion as just that.

Our assignment for next week is to take a black and white photo. I don't have any ideas for this one yet, but I'm sure once I get started taking pictures I'll get some inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your photos. I think the clock pictures are good! I think the first one could look pretty cool as a black and white if you played around with the shadows and highlights! :)
