Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Goose is 11 months old!

Anna (she's Goose if you didn't already guess that) is only one month away from her 1st birthday. Ack! How did the year go by so fast! Anna is such a big girl, I can't even believe all the stuff she can do.

She uses anything she can push around to walk behind and she is getting good enough at it that sometimes she only holds on with one hand! She has stood by herself for a few seconds, but isn't really that interested in doing it yet. If I try to get her to stand by herself she usually either dives for me, does the jelly-leg dance, or lowers herself down to the ground.

Anna's favorite game is peek-a-boo and that is usually the only way I can get her smile for the camera. She loves playing with her baby doll (by playing I mean rolling over and crushing it repeatedly), and she still dances to any song or beat that she hears.

Goose has five teeth and finally has just enough hair to put a pig-tail in. She can say Da-da and Ma-ma, although she rarely says Ma-ma. Her new "phrase" is "hi Da-da", which she says by waving and saying Da-da at the same time. The other morning she said it as soon as she saw Eric, it was way sweet! Anna already tries to repeat words that we say, and I predict she will be a good talker like her big brother. I'm gonna' need some earplugs if I want any peace and quiet :-).

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe she is this close to being one! my how time flies! great pictures - she is so adorable!
