Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assignment #3

Dave liked all of my photos this time, some more than others of course. He was really impressed with my shots and my "eye" on all of the assignments and told me to keep at it.

Yesterday was supposed to be the last class of my photography course. For some reason, though, the teacher left before class started (I saw him leave) and he didn't come back. My classmate and I stayed and waited for thirty minutes thinking maybe he forgot something and was going to return, but we eventually gave up on him. I called the Meridian Parks and Recreation dept. and asked them whether we are going to get a make-up class, but they didn't know that the class was missed so they will e-mail the teacher and get back to me. I imagine we will meet next week either Monday or Wednesday since we payed for a four week course.

Last week's assignment was to shoot black and white photos of anything we chose. I had no immediate ideas, but once I got my camera out it proved pretty easy to find stuff to photograph. Otis is an easy and willing subject to shoot, and he has such a charismatic face that he was my first guinea pig. I think these turned out really great! The contrast from all of his wrinkles shows up so good in black and white. Plus he just looks so sweet!

Dave really liked this one of Otis

I forgot to upload this the first time around

Next, I wanted to photograph something that was inanimate. I was looking for something with a lot of contrast and happened to look out the window to see if there was anything outside I could shoot, and figured that the snow on my picnic table would look good.

These chess pieces were something I actually shot for the second assignment, but they looked way too blah in color to take to class. I used the program paint.NET to get more contrast and turn the picture to b & w and I really like how it turned out.

He liked the composition of this one

And of course, I had to shoot some pictures of my kiddos. The one of Ayden was staged, I let him make bubbles in the sink and play with them and then took various pictures of him at different angles. The one of Anna was sheer luck! I happened to be in the right place at the right time, and I really love the result.

Dave really liked this one. He said that it could win a contest and that I should get a 20 x 30 poster of it

This last picture is one from last week that my friend Kelly downloaded onto her computer and played with using Picasa and Photoshop. I love, love, love how it turned out! Definitely better than the original.

He liked what you did with this Kelly

Oh, and please feel free to leave comments about my pictures. I love getting feedback!


  1. your black & whites look great! my favorites are the ones of otis sitting in front of the camera, the one of him looking to the side, and the one of anna peeking around the corner. that one is the favorite of my favorites. :) the lighting is really pretty on that one. that's too bad your instructor never showed. i hope you get a makeup!

  2. I think all your pictures are great I am partial to the ones of the kiddos. The one of Anna looking around the corner is precious.
    You have the knack Mish.
    Love Mom/Deb

  3. I'm glad he loved your photos so much. They are really good! I love the new one you added of Otis. You caught him at just the right moment. That "I'm in trouble" look on his face goes perfectly with that shoe sitting next to him. ;)
